Our Process | Evansville & Newburgh, IN | Don's Dry Cleaning & Laundry Dry Cleaning



DCIโ„ข Drycleaning

Five-Star DCIโ„ข Cleaning Process

At Don’s Dry Cleaning & Laundry we pride ourselves on setting the standard for high-quality clothing and fabric care. Our patented DCIโ„ข cleaning process plays a huge role in our ability to maintain our standards because the DCIโ„ข process continuously refines dry-cleaning solvents to keep them pure and fresh. This is the only way to ensure your fabrics are truly clean and odor-free.

Reducing Our Impact on the Environment

Our professional staff ensures that we continually improve our processes and comply with tougher environmental standards; we are the only Nationally Certified Professional Drycleaner (CPD) in the Tri-State and a Certified Environmental Drycleaner.